Deerfield Beach Middle School Helping Parents be Successful with Their Students

Here's quick link to the Parent Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) distributed in English and other languages as they relate to Deerfield Beach Middle School's student population.
The PFEP outlines Deefield Beach Middle School's mission and the continuous activities the school will work on to increase parent engagement and build capacity within the community.
We are asking as a parent and stakeholder,  read the PFEP and be familiar with the ways DBMS intend to help parents be more successful with their students.
Please share this with the community!
Thank you.
Dr. Juanita Kearse-Creech
ESE Support Facilitator
Deerfield Beach Middle

Support for Kin Caregivers of Children Whose Parents Are Incarcerated During the Holidays


When mothers go to prison, most children go to live with grandparents. These grandparents, who have already raised one generation, must now adjust their lives and become the primary caregivers of another generation.

The caregiver's job is a difficult one with many new realities and hardships. Often they need to perform as both mother and father to a child with a parent in prison, teaching skills and caring for them in ways the absent parent would have done.

Now, they must also cope with finding ways to share space in their home and stretch already limited resources.(Excerpt Prisonfellowship)

December Holiday Turkey Drive

The Problem

A large percentage of children of incarcerated parents are cared for by the other parent or other relatives during parental incarceration; these caregivers face multiple challenges including financial and food insecurity during the holidays.

Promising Practices

Identify and defray the costs for relative caregivers and their children, especially for senior caregivers by providing a Holiday Turkey Dinners.

A turkey evokes the joy of the holidays and a lifetime of family memories.


You can donate a gift card to use to buy a turkey from a grocery store.

You can donate $45 to provide a Holiday dinner for a family of 4 (Turkey, Pie and canned/fresh veggies/Sides)

Your tax-deductible donation will help provide meals to 50 families this Holiday season.

Job: Florida Linen Services

Florida Linen Services is hiring and you can receive a $300 bonus after 6 months!
$12 per hour/FT Position - Laundry Receiving department
$10 per hour/FT Position - Laundry Cleaning department
Complete the application below and go prepared!
(Referred by Women at the Well-Broward)

Florida Linens Job Fair

Find a career that matches your interests

Find a career that matches your interests

As the world is changing, your interests and needs might be changing too. Take self assessments to see what career fits you, what skills you contribute to a job and where you can benefit from more training and experience.

Find a career that matches your interests and skills.
An interest assessment can help you identify careers that meet your interests. Interest assessments usually ask you a series of questions about what you like and don't like to do. Then they match your likes and dislikes to careers.
When you choose a career that matches your overall interests, you're more likely to enjoy your job. You're also more likely to be successful.
Take an Interest Assessment:
Take a Skill  Assessment:

Entrepreneurship for Returning Citizens

While full-time gainful employment is still the aim for returning citizens, in this economic environment, those who previously shunned the idea of starting a business in favor of the safer route of getting a job might view entrepreneurship in a whole new light. The term “necessity entrepreneurship” has been used to describe this form of self-employment where entrepreneurship is an essential option and often the most expedient way to earn a living.



Women make up a growing share of incarcerated populations, and they have different needs than justice-involved men. But what happens after release?

We help the women achieve what is most important to them—finding safe and affordable housing, preparing for job interviews, reuniting with their children, gaining peer support from other women, learning household budgeting and skills for daily life, and much more.
Joanna Haynes

Meet Joanna…With guidance and support from our staff at Women at the Well-Broward, Joanna was able to overcome the challenges many women face upon re-entering their communities. As a participant in our Women Empowered Behind Walls (WEBW) program prior to her release, we began the process of re-entry, by conducting mock interviews with her, providing 10 copies of her resume, and supplying her with a verified list of felon friendly employers. After her release, in our NewWoman program, Joanna was provided clothing, hygiene items, gift cards, bus passes, and most important- emotional and spiritual support and accountability. She also had access to free or low-cost community resources and services.

While Joanna was incarcerated, she became skilled at crocheting blankets and after spending 5 years in the Coleman work camp for Women.  A significant challenge that returning citizens face is re-entry into the labor market. After working for a few businesses, Joanna realized her background prevent her from advancing in the companies. She found talking about her criminal record or the previous incarceration was a taboo topic, so she decided to take the entrepreneur route.

Her experience in prison and her transition back home led her to turn her crochet passion into a business-Divine Designz Crochet Shoppe! Two years later she owns 2 businesses and co-owners a 3rd business. Joanna is living on her own with her 2 sons and is a productive citizen.

She has her eyes set on a very bright future.

Donate today and support our mission!


PO BOX 8661

Deerfield Beach, FL 33443



What is this program?

In an effort to assist residential renters who have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of COVID- 19, the
Office of Housing and Urban Improvement has developed the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance

This program is designed to assist eligible households with payment of their rent for one (1) to three (3) months.

The amount of assistance is capped at $4,000.00/month. Assistance will be provided directly to the landlord
(owner of property).

Assistance will be provided on a first-ready, first-served basis and a limited number of applications will be accepted
based on funding availability.

What requirements need to be met in order to apply*
• The dwelling unit must be located within the City of Pompano Beach.
• Landlord must provide proof of ownership of the property and there must be an active rental agreement or lease in
the applicant’s name.
• The rent must have been current as of March 27, 2020.
• Documentation of financial hardship (ex: loss of income, unexpected medical bill, unexpected car repair, etc.)
• The applicant must be able to document a loss of income as a direct result of COVID19.
• The household income must be at or below the following Area Median Income Level (AMI). To estimate
your household income, multiply your gross monthly income by 12.

See if you qualify:

College Tours

As we continue to monitor the quickly evolving impact and concerns of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the safety of our girls and our team members remains our number one priority. With this in mind, we have made the decision to cancel our “Daughters with a Destiny” Saturday workshops including the March 27, 2020 college tour @fmu_official until further notice.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or 954.865.4878.
Thank you for understanding,

Shanna Johnson
Executive Director
Covid 19 progam cancellation


covid-19 virus

We at Women at the Well-Broward care about the health and safety of our community, staff, and providers. Accordingly, in an effort to help control the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), our office will be closed starting Friday, March 20, 2020 at 5 p.m., until further notice. As staff works remotely, please be assured that we will continue to work diligently in support of the children and families of our Daughters with a Destiny program and women in our NewWoman program.

Please search this website and our social media platforms @watwbroward for continuous updates as well as resources and information that help our community more easily navigate these challenging times.

If you need to reach us, call (954) 865-4878 or e-mail
